all my patched and configured versions of suckless's sofware
the patches are included as files
needs font awesome and nkmono (my own font, ill upload it soon once i figure out how font licenses work)
the status bar in dwm crashes when clicked on idk why but im guessing is bc i applied status2d or awesome bar incorrectly or smth.
recommend runing dwm in a while loop in your .xinitrc
so that it just restarts instead of crashing and killing your programs.
make a random script file startdwm
while true; do
#log stderr to a file
dwm 2> ~/.dwm.log
in .xinitrc
# change wallpapers every 10 min
while true; do
feh --bg-fill --randomize ~/Pictures/wallpapers
sleep 10m
done &
# epiku status bar
slstatus &
# sitelen pona (experimental for the glx renderer and box blur)
picom --experimental-backends &
# exec for better security or smth idk i dont understand this lol
exec startdwm