Django CRUM (Current Request User Middleware) captures the current request and user in thread local storage.
- bo5o
- bq1990
- donewell
- edgabaldi@Fanhero
- epoq
- fmarcoPrima Assicurazioni S.p.a.
- gwtwod@SpareBank1
- hedleyroosStellenbosch, South Africa
- ianthoEly, Cambridgeshire, England
- igorgai
- ishakoktnKonya, Turkey
- jh0kerBremen, Germany
- jordaneremieffSydney
- jperelli@celerative
- kezabelleUnited Kingdom
- ktaranovMoscow
- lsvihPeking University
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- OlegSmelovLithuania
- punkyoonSeoul, South Korea
- pydatageekfreelancer
- qiuweiTuebingen
- r26zhao
- raratiruAthens - Greece
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- saian-devTbilisi, Georgia
- sephiiSwitzerland
- srault95Juziers
- Thalius
- tomwojcikAdverity
- vimko
- vzts
- wahello
- WeJieGuangZhou
- xavierchanGuangZhou
- zihuacs