- 4
function not exported {gun_http,ws_send,6}
#320 opened by loudferret - 2
{down, noproc} error on gun:post
#339 opened by IgorKoshnarov - 0
no match of right hand side value in gun_ws:dispatch
#338 opened by ziopio - 9
- 1
- 11
Connection process stopped handling requests
#334 opened by IgorKoshnarov - 1
- 0
- 1
Update to support OTP 27
#332 opened by zuiderkwast - 4
- 5
- 6
timeout to connect to
#326 opened by gdamjan - 0
Types not exported - dialyzer fails
#325 opened by johantj - 26
- 9
stream_error with retry
#291 opened by dubrovine - 4
Websocket upgrade fails on unix socket
#318 opened by mortont - 2
Add stream idle timeout
#317 opened by bjosv - 4
Feature: Response callback fun
#314 opened by zuiderkwast - 17
Crash during termination when connecting to a server requiring mTLS over HTTP/2
#313 opened by voluntas - 4
- 9
:gun_http.ws_send/6 is undefined or private
#297 opened by cultofmetatron - 10
Timeframe for 2.0.0
#268 opened by paulo-ferraz-oliveira - 7
gun 2.0 RC ready?
#306 opened by cdesch - 8
Gun is missing an idle_timeout
#254 opened by sanjuktaindia - 1
Test and document Websocket protocols
#284 opened by essen - 2
- 1
Review and improve gun_pool restart strategies
#292 opened by essen - 3
gun:connect expects proxy server to reply with HTTP/1.1, some servers respond with HTTP/1.0
#303 opened by JesseStimpson - 2
- 3
gun_down missing StreamRef in websocket connection
#265 opened by benbro - 2
Strange behavior on ARM processors
#302 opened by dubrovine - 1
Cookie SameSite changes to the draft
#256 opened by essen - 2
Problem using an HTTP proxy
#300 opened by dmrlawson - 6
- 10
- 2
Flushing informational responses by stream reference
#273 opened by Yozhig - 3
Two 200 responses after gun_push
#279 opened by Zert - 9
Websocket without upgrade?
#281 opened by ostinelli - 2
- 3
** Reason for termination = error:{'function not exported', {string,lowercase,1}}
#262 opened by jainygaurav - 4
- 11
- 7
WS + Proxy + SSL
#267 opened by vboikotriller - 2
How do I use gun with Socks5 proxy?
#272 opened by rdtq - 2
- 18
CRASH REPORT Process with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no function clause matching gun_http2:parse(<<>>, close)
#261 opened by jainygaurav - 5
Compile-time warnings under rebar3
#259 opened by paulo-ferraz-oliveira - 5
- 5
Error case_clause in gun:connecting/3
#253 opened by zuiderkwast - 7
Don't delay errors when GOAWAY has been received
#251 opened by zuiderkwast