
Inline::Python - Write Perl subs and classes in Python.

Primary LanguageC


Inline::Python -- Write Perl subs and classes in Python.

Inline::Python lets you write Perl subroutines and classes in
Python. You don't have to use any funky techniques for sharing most
types of data between the two languages, either. Inline::Python comes
with its own data translation service. It converts any Python structures
it knows about into Perl structures, and vice versa. 


   use Inline Python => <<'END';
   def JAxH(x): 
      return "Just Another %s Hacker" % x

   print JAxH('Inline'), "\n";

When run, this complete program prints:

   Just Another Inline Hacker.

The almost-one-line version is:

   perl -le 'use Inline Python=>q{def JAxH(x):return"Just Another %s Hacker"%x};print JAxH+Inline'


This module requires Inline.pm version 0.46 or higher to be installed. In 
addition, you need Python 2.5 or greater installed. Python 2.6, Python 3.2 or greater
is recommended.

Python has to be configured with --enable-shared. Linux distribution packages
should be fine, but keep it in mind if you compile Python yourself.

To install Inline::Python do this:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

(On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.)

You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully.


- For more information on Inline::Python see 'perldoc Inline::Python'.
- For information about Inline.pm, see 'perldoc Inline'.
- For information on using Python or the Python C API, visit http://www.python.org.

The Inline::Python mailing list is inline@perl.org. Send mail to
inline-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe.

Please send questions and comments to "Stefan Seifert" <NINE@cpan.org>

Copyright (c) 2000, Neil Watkiss. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

(see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)