
nginx cache purge daemon

Primary LanguagePython

ngxpurged: purge an nginx cache

This is a small WSGI daemon to purge the contents of a particular nginx cache directory. It can be used to implement clearing of the entire cache from an HTTP request, e.g. during deployments when the deployment user doesn't have write access to the nginx cache.

Use it like this:

    location /__purgeall {
        if ($request_method != POST) {
            return 405;  # Method not implemented.

        rewrite ^.* /purge/wagtail.io;

        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_pass unix:/run/ngxpurged.sock;


Then to purge the cache:

[by-web-3:wagtailsite] ~
{117} wagtailsite> curl -X POST https://wagtail.io/__purgeall
Purged <wagtail.io>, 5 deleted, 0 errors.

All the daemon actually does is delete all the files under a particular directory, so it could potentially be used to purge any sort of disk-based cache, or for other purposes. You may want to run it under AppArmor or a similar MAC system to ensure it doesn't accidentally delete anything it shouldn't.

Questions, comments: ft@le-fay.org.