Created By: Travis Berry
The code specific to this app is released under an unlicense. I would like it if you kept the link to my site at the bottom, but you don't have to.
CakePHP Licensed under The MIT License
LoggableBehavior by alkemann
ACL plugin by interlock
Awesome Icons from
Fantastic stopwatch jquery plugin was made by kellishaver
PHamlP from chris.l.yates
PHP Markdown by michel.fortin
Download latest version from
Follow the instruction for setting up a new CakPHP install here.
Change database.php config file like so.
Do lots of other things I'm too lazy to type at the moment.
Only show user projects and timers in add timer drop downs - only shows user data everywhere else
Make timers editable starting with saved time
FAQ About Privacy Contact and Instruction pages
Add page for users to modify password and account details
Redirect with warning if new user creates timer with no projects first
Documentation for API
Add users - Edit Users - APIs
Flash Message colors
Hide Flash Message after period of time
Delete timers associated with projects on project delete
Form validation - custom error messages
Add checks and redirect/show message on user attempt to edit/view other user data
Add email to User table
Confirm user account with email
Generate graphs of time records
Premium accounts
Improved event logging
Export data as a csv
Pretty much everything at this point.
I'm in no way responsible for anything you do with this. If this breaks anything of yours, I'm not responsible for that either.