
The official TensorFlow implementation for ICLR'22 Spotlight paper 'Responsible Disclosure of Generative Models Using Scalable Fingerprinting'

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Scalable GAN Fingerprints

Ning Yu*, Vladislav Skripniuk*, Dingfan Chen, Larry Davis, Mario Fritz
*Equal contribution
ICLR 2022 Spotlight


Over the past seven years, deep generative models have achieved a qualitatively new level of performance. Generated data has become difficult, if not impossible, to be distinguished from real data. While there are plenty of use cases that benefit from this technology, there are also strong concerns on how this new technology can be misused to spoof sensors, generate deep fakes, and enable misinformation at scale. Unfortunately, current deep fake detection methods are not sustainable, as the gap between real and fake continues to close. In contrast, our work enables a responsible disclosure of such state-of-the-art generative models, that allows model inventors to fingerprint their models, so that the generated samples containing a fingerprint can be accurately detected and attributed to a source. Our technique achieves this by an efficient and scalable ad-hoc generation of a large population of models with distinct fingerprints. Our recommended operation point uses a 128-bit fingerprint which in principle results in more than 1038 identifiable models. Experiments show that our method fulfills key properties of a fingerprinting mechanism and achieves effectiveness in deep fake detection and attribution.


  • Linux
  • NVIDIA GPU + CUDA 10.0 + CuDNN 7.5
  • Python 3.6
  • tensorflow-gpu 1.14
  • To install the other Python dependencies, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt.


We experiment on three datasets:

  • CelebA. We use the first 30k images and crop them centered at (x,y) = (89,121) with size 128x128. To prepare the dataset, first download and unzip the aligned png images to celeba/Img/, then run

    python3 dataset_tool.py create_celeba \
    datasets/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k \
    celeba/Img/img_align_celeba_png \
    --num_images 30000

    where datasets/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k is the output directory containing the prepared data format that enables efficient streaming for our training, and celeba/Img/img_align_celeba_png is the input directory containing CelebA png files.

  • LSUN Bedroom. Similarly, we use the first 30k training images and resize them to 128x128. To prepare the dataset, first download and extract the png images to lsun_bedroom_train, then run

    python3 dataset_tool.py create_from_images \
    datasets/lsun_bedroom_train_30k_128x128 \
    lsun_bedroom_train \
    --shuffle 0 \
    --num_images 30000 \
    --resolution 128
  • LSUN Cat. Similarly, we use the first 50k images at the original 256x256 size. To prepare the dataset, first download and extract the png images to lsun_cat, then run

    python3 dataset_tool.py create_from_images \
    datasets/lsun_cat_50k_256x256 \
    lsun_cat \
    --shuffle 0 \
    --num_images 50000 \
    --resolution 256


  • Run, e.g.,
    python3 run_training.py --data-dir=datasets --config=config-e-Gskip-Dresnet --num-gpus=2 \
    --dataset=celeba_align_png_cropped_30k \
    --result-dir=results/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k \
    --watermark-size=128 \
    --res-modulated-range=4-128 \
    • result-dir contains model snapshots network-snapshot-*.pkl, real samples reals.png, randomly generated samples fakes-arbitrary-*.png at different snapshots, randomly generated samples fakes-watermarks-same-*.png at different snapshots with arbitrary latent code and the same watermark (fingerprint), randomly generated samples fakes-latents-same-*.png at different snapshots with the same latent code and arbitrary watermarks (fingerprints), log file log.txt, tensorboard plots events.out.tfevents.*, and so on.
    • watermark-size: The number of bits of embedded watermark (fingerprint).
    • res-modulated-range: At which resolutions of generator layers to modulate watermark (fingerprint). Our experiments show modulating at all resolutions achieves the optimal performance in general.
    • metrics: Evaluation metric(s). fid_watermark_accuracy_30k measures (1) the Fréchet inception distance (FID) between 30k randomly generated samples and 30k real samples, and (2) the bitwise accuracy of watermark (fingerprint) detection. The evaluation result is save in results/*/metric-fid_watermark_accuracy_30k.txt.

Pre-trained models


  • Fréchet inception distance (FID) and bitwise accuracy of watermark (fingerprint) detection. Besides the evaluation for snapshots during training, we can also evaluate given any well-trained network and reference real images. Run, e.g.,

    python3 run_metrics.py --data-dir=datasets \
    --metrics=fid_watermark_accuracy_30k \
    --dataset=celeba_align_png_cropped_30k \
    --network=models/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k_128x128.pkl \


    • metrics: Evaluation metric(s). fid_watermark_accuracy_30k measures (1) the Fréchet inception distance (FID) between 30k randomly generated samples and 30k real samples, and (2) the bitwise accuracy of watermark (fingerprint) detection. The evaluation result is save in eval/*/metric-fid_watermark_accuracy_30k.txt.
  • Image generation. Run, e.g.,

    python3 run_generator.py generate-images \
    --network=models/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k_128x128.pkl \
    --result-dir=generated_samples/celeba_align_png_cropped_30k \
    --seeds=0-63 \
    --identical-latent=False \


    • result-dir contains generated samples in png.
    • seeds indicates the random seeds to generated samples. E.g., 0-63 indicates using random seeds 0, ..., 63 to generate 64 samples in total.
    • identical-latent indicates using the same random latent code to generate samples or not.
    • identical-watermark indicates using the same random watermark (fingerprint) to generate samples or not.


  title={Responsible Disclosure of Generative Models Using Scalable Fingerprinting},
  author={Yu, Ning and Skripniuk, Vladislav and Chen, Dingfan and Davis, Larry and Fritz, Mario},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},


  • Ning Yu was patially supported by Twitch Research Fellowship.
  • Vladislav Skripniuk was partially supported by IMPRS scholarship from Max Planck Institute.
  • This work was also supported, in part, by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Media Forensics (MediFor) Program under FA87501620191 and Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) Program under HR001120C0124. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA.
  • We acknowledge the Maryland Advanced Research Computing Center for providing computing resources.
  • We thank David Jacobs, Matthias Zwicker, Abhinav Shrivastava, and Yaser Yacoob for constructive advice in general.
  • We express gratitudes to the StyleGAN2 repository as our code was directly modified from theirs.