Made a simple and easy to use solution for door entry systems (or maybe other purposes) with rfid tag combined with keypad. First i think i can complete this project in the already existing repository Arduino RC522 RFID Access Control but than i decided to make a new project with a STM32 F103RB microprocessor cause i got with all pins used only 1 pin open if a use a simple Arduino UNO Board and i only got some Nucleo Boards which will support the count of pins i had to use. I build all hardware in a Hammond enclosure with the ability to position it next to a door or something.
STM32F103RB as Microcontroller on Nucleo F103 Board as CPU
MFRC522 RFID Reader Module
4x5 Keypad Matix (optionally you can use TTP229 based touch keys)
A beeper for simple sound feedback
Two LEDs for visual feedback (green and red)
Hammond Enclosure 1594E (lil' big, but it looks good)
- SPI Library for MFRC522 RFID Reader
- Modified KeyPad Matrix Library from Tilen Majerle
- Modified MFRC522 Library also from Tilen Majerle
- Feedback Library for the audiovisual feedbacks
- UART Library for Debug output to RS232 (only in debug releases)
- TTP229 Touch Controller Library (optional instead of keypad matrix)
The cheap china MFRC522 RFID Reader
TTP229 Touchpad Controller Test Board
The Nucleo Board with STM32F103RB as Central Unit
Groundplate for the Nucleo Board to attach inside of enclosure with double faced adhesive tape
I cutted some plastic screws and glued it in small drilled holes in the front of the enclosure, these pins will hold
the RFID Reader
Here you see the hole for the keypad matrix and the board for the two front leds
The RFID Reader fully mounted on front
The sensitive area from the RFID Reader is just under the keypad matrix
The buzzer was simply glued to an hole in the enclosure (down faced), so it uses the enclosure as additional
resonating body
These small plastic servo i use for testing purposes in this project
Sample Signal from RFID Reader SPI communication
This procject is released under the GNU General Public License, you find a copy of the whole license in the LICENSE file in the root of this project.