- 1
Best way to interrupt a script
#584 opened by L3g7 - 0
fatal error: 'jep_Jep.h' file not found
#583 opened by panther125 - 5
python3 define JEP_NUMPY_ENABLED=1 but build via pip3 defines it disabled JEP_NUMPY_ENABLED=0
#580 opened by maveric2 - 2
- 0
Use jar runtime, ModuleNotFoundError, the reason is java.class.path to get the jar file getParent is null, resulting in the reference to the jar file path is not correct
#576 opened by 1754581267 - 2
Distribute application for Windows
#575 opened by seralbdev - 7
- 1
Jep Initialization crashes all the time
#519 opened by fakudzesamj - 2
Call a python function reported an error UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 128: illegal multibyte sequence
#524 opened by wangminglyx - 1
Syntax error in jep.Jep.exec
#528 opened by northern-aura - 4
Jep did not free GPU memory when it was closed
#540 opened by SHITINGCHEN - 1
Communicating JSON data between Java and Python
#549 opened by aghasemi - 6
- 5
SentenceTransformer Unrecognized option: -c
#520 opened by iprovalo - 4
Build error
#531 opened by lee-donet73 - 2
- 4
get_java_home cannot find java home
#545 opened by hahn80 - 1
UnsatisfiedLinkError: I am stomped.
#561 opened by drseung - 5
Can't find dependent libraries
#517 opened by MrBlazer335 - 1
DLL load failed while importing cv2
#570 opened by ouyang7923 - 1
Can't load library: libjep.jnilib on Macos m1
#571 opened by andrew-zzz - 6
- 10
Jep does not pip install with numpy support for Ubuntu 24.04, Python 3.12, pip 24.0
#566 opened by svensk-pojke - 2
- 1
- 2
error when using \n in python script
#554 opened by githubbbbber - 9
- 3
How to run/debug Python code which is dependent on Java objects from Python end
#558 opened by georgea3 - 5
building jep via mingw-w64 fails with "cannot export PyInit_jep: symbol not defined"
#552 opened by maveric2 - 5
can not use in operator when passing java ArrayList<Integer> to python, but ArrayList<String> works well
#550 opened by githubbbbber - 2
- 2
OSX 12.7.3 M1 Using JEP Getting Started Gets "Unstatisfied Link Error.....incompatible architecture (have (arm64), need (x86_64))"
#544 opened by johnferguson-at-nuix - 1
[] PyType_IsSubtype+0x0
#543 opened by mwxiaomao - 2
jep.JepException: <class 'ImportError'>: math.log
#541 opened by mwxiaomao - 0
jep.JepException: <class 'SystemError'>: initialization of md__mypyc did not return an extension module
#542 opened by mwxiaomao - 3
#534 opened by qmj123 - 2
Issue building Jep on Windows
#529 opened by tiffanycmeyer13 - 1
- 0
- 1
Call runScript() method with parameter
#535 opened by noobshmily - 3
JEP : jep.JepException : Error importing numpy
#525 opened by roopannava - 6
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
no jep in java.library.path
#527 opened by northern-aura - 1
Problem with initialising SharedInterpreter twice causing pthread_mutex_lock+0x4
#523 opened by Loc300 - 3
- 3
- 2 undefined symbol: reuseport_available
#518 opened by Voxanimus