Jupiter notebooks for Solid State Physics courses at EPFL
The (Lower) ones are not urgent. (regular) or (R) are what we discussed
Chapter 1: Velocity and current density(lower)
Chapter 1: equations of motion (eqs. 1.9 - 1.10) (L)
Hall effect(Clas-LOW)
1.Dielectric constants sigma+epsilon: plot the functions Drude+Insulator (Regular)
2.Born- von Karman boundary conditions : particle in 1D box+ (appendixA--Reciprocal lattice(R) (k-states lattice) - [ ] (appendixA--illustration of reciprocal space and the Brillouin zone in 2D (draft version exists); - [ ] illustrations for understanding central equation (k vs. G, etc.) - [ ] (appendixA--1.Real ---> Reciprocal - [ ] (appendixA--2Reciprocal vs k-space - [ ] (appendixA--3.Real/reciprocal + diffraction(x) - [ ] 4.Bravis/nonbravis
2.Density of states: 1D -- even 2d and 3d (R) illustration of density of states (would be nice also to show dependence on the dimensionality)
2.illustration of the Fermi-Dirac distribution (slider T vs. width) (R)
2.Illustration of cv as function of energy integrant (Demonstrate that states close to ef contributes)
band structure of free electrons in weak periodic potential; illustration of gaps
tight-binding band structure of a 1D chain of identical atoms;
tight-binding band structure of a 1D chain with alternating on-site potentials or/and transfer integrals;
band structures of 2D lattices (triangular, square, honeycomb, kagome, Lieb);
numerical illustration of tight-binding calculations on a model with many atoms per unit cell;
construction of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, … Brillouin zones in 2D;
demonstration of the definition of wavepacket in the semiclassical model;
numerical demonstration of wavepacket propagation;
quantum transport in a 1D chain with impurity;
quantum transport and quantum confinement in 2D free-electron system;
numerical illustration of Anderson localization;
Landau levels and quantum oscillations;
illustration of Hund’s rule;
phonon dispersions and vibrational modes of a 1D chain of identical atoms;
phonon dispersions and vibrational modes of a 1D chain of atoms with alternating masses or/and alternating force constants (draft version exists);
animation of longitudinal and transverse vibrational modes in 2D (draft version exists);
import pip
installed_packages = pip.get_installed_distributions()
installed_packages_list = sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version)
for i in installed_packages])