Yet another namedtuple alternative for Python
is something like an alternative to namedtuple,
attrs and now dataclasses in Python 3.7.
to create a new struct, you simply:
class Foo(compose.Struct):
bar = ...
baz = 'spam'
This generates a class like this:
class Foo:
__slots__ = 'bar', 'baz'
def __init__(self, bar, baz='spam'): = bar
self.baz = baz
You can, naturally, implement any other methods you wish.
You can also use type annotation syntax for positional arguments:
class Foo(compose.Struct):
bar: int
baz: str = 'spam'
If the name = ...
syntax is used in combination with type annotation
syntax for positional arguments, all positional arguments with
annotations will come before positional arguments without. However, this
should be considered an implementation detail. best practice is to not
mix the two styles. Use typing.Any
if you are using type
annotations and don't want one of the arguments to care about type.
How's this different from attrs and dataclasses? A few ways. Aside
from the use of ellipsis to create positional parameters, another
difference that can be seen here is that everything is based on
, which means your attribute lookup will be faster and your
instances more compact in memory. attrs allows you to use slots, but
only uses slots. This means that attributes cannot be
dynamically created. If a class needs private attributes, you may create
additional slots with the usual method of defining __slots__
the class body.
Another important distinction is compose.Struct
doesn't define a
bunch of random dunder methods. You get your __init__
, __repr__
and to_dict
and that's it [1]. It is the opinion of the author that
sticking all attributes in a tuple and comparing them usually is not
what you want when defining a new type. However, it is still easy to get
more dunder methods, as you will see in the following section.
[1] | OK, It actually also gives you __getstate__ and __setstate__, which are required for pickling objects. |
Perhaps the most significant difference between our structs and
alternatives is that we emphasize composition over inheritance. A
isn't even able to inherit in the normal way! It's an
outrage! What about interfaces!? What about polymorphism!? Well, what
provides is a simple way to generate pass-through methods to
from compose import Struct, Provider
class ListWrapper(Struct):
data = Provider('__getitem__', '__iter__')
metadata = None
So this will generate pass-through methods for __getitem__
to the data
attribute. Certain python keywords and
operators can be used as shorthand for adding dunder methods as well.
class ListWrapper:
data = Provider('[]', 'for')
metadata = None
Here, []
is shorthand for item access and implements
, __setitem__
and __delitem__
. for
the __iter__
method. A full list of these abbreviations can be found
below in the Pre-Defined Interfaces section.
Going even deeper, interfaces can be specified as classes. Wrapper
methods will be created for any method attached to a class which is
given as an argument to Provider
. The following code is more or less
equivalent to subclassing collections.UserList
, but no inheritance
is used.
from collections import abc
class ListWrapper(Struct):
data = Provider(abc.MutableSequence)
metadata = None
An instances of this class tested with isinstance(instance,
will return True
because wrapper methods
have been generated on
for all the methods in
. Note that ``abc.MutableSequence`` does not
actually provide all of the methods a real list does. If you want ALL
of them, you can use ``Provides(list)``.
You cannot implicitly make pass-through methods for __setattr__
by passing in a class that implements them, since
they have some rather strange behaviors. You can, however, pass them
explicitly to Provider
to force the issue. In the case of
, This invokes special behavior. See __setattr__ hacks
for details.
All methods defined with a provider can be overridden in the body of the class as desired. Methods can also be overridden by other providers. It's first-come, first-serve in that case. The Provider you want to define the methods has to be placed above any other interfaces that implement the same method.
There is no inheritance with Structs. Because of metaclass magic, a
class that inherits from Struct is not its child. It is always a child
of object
. Provider
is a way to implement pass-through methods
easily. Mix-in classes bind methods from other classes directly to your
class. It doesn't go through the class hierarchy and rebind everything,
only methods defined directly on the mix-in class. Inheriting from
normal python classes may have unpredictable results.
provides one mix-in class: Immutable
, which is
implemented like this:
class Mutablility(Exception):
class Immutable:
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
raise Mutablility(
"can't set {0}.{1}. type {0} is immutable.".format(
It can be used like this:
from compose import Struct, Immutable
class Foo(Struct, Immutable):
bar = ...
baz = ...
When an instance of Foo
is created, it will not be possible to set
attributes afterwards in the normal way. (Though it is technically
possible if you set it with object.__setattr__(instance, 'attr',
). Attempting to do = 7
will raise a Mutability
If you need a struct
to look like a child of another class, I
suggest using the abc module to define abstract classes. This allows
classes to look like children for the purposes of type-checking, but
without actually using inheritance.
This is the order of priority for where methods come from:
- Struct generates a unique
method for each class it creates. This cannot be overriden. Alternative constructors should be implemented as class methods. - methods defined in the body of the struct get next dibs.
- any attributes defined on your mix-ins will be defined on the class if they don't already exist.
- Only then are
attributes allowed to add any methods which haven't yet been defined.
Though it is not especially recommended, it is possible to implement
and **kwargs
for your constructor.
>>> from compose import Struct, args, kwargs
>>> class Foo(Struct):
... items = args
... mapping = kwargs
>>> f = Foo('bar', 'baz', spam='eggs')
>>> f
Foo(*items=('bar', 'baz'), **mapping={'spam': 'eggs'})
This breaks the principle that the object's repr can be used to
instantiate an identical instance, but it does at least give the option
and still makes the internal structure of the class transparent. With
parameters, simply pass in compose.args
as arguments the constructor.
>>> class MySequence(Struct):
... data = Provider('__getitem__', '__iter__', args)
>>> s = MySequence('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
>>> s
MySequence(*data=('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))
>>> for i in s:
... print(i)
This library uses code generation at class-creation time. The intent is
to optimize performance of instances at the cost of slowing class
creation. If you're dynamically creating huge numbers of classes, using
might be a bad idea. FYI, namedtuple
does the
same. I haven't looked at the source for attrs too much, but I did see
some strings with sourcecode there as well.
This is the code that implements the expansion of interface
abbreviations for dunder methods. Any key in the interfaces
dictionary may be used to implement the corresponding dunder methods on
an attribute with the Provides()
interfaces = {
'+': 'add radd',
'-': 'sub rsub',
'*': 'mul rmul',
'@': 'matmul rmatmul',
'/': 'truediv rtruediv',
'//': 'floordiv rfloordiv',
'%': 'mod rmod',
'**': 'pow rpow',
'<<': 'lshift rlshift',
'>>': 'rshift rrshift',
'&': 'and rand',
'^': 'xor rxor',
'|': 'or ror',
'~': 'invert',
'==': 'eq',
'!=': 'ne',
'>': 'gt',
'<': 'lt',
'>=': 'ge',
'<=': 'le',
'()': 'call',
'[]': 'getitem setitem delitem',
'.': 'get set delete set_name',
'in': 'contains',
'for': 'iter',
'with': 'enter exit',
'del': 'del',
'await': 'await'
interfaces = {k: ['__%s__' % n for n in v.split()]
for k, v in interfaces.items()}
If you choose to create an attribute
wrapper for __setattr__
, the default will look like this so you
won't hit a recursion error while accessing pre-defined attributes:
def __setattr__(self, attribute, value):
object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value)
except AttributeError:
setattr(self.wrapped_attribute, attribute, value)
If you want to override __setattr__
with a more, eh, "exotic"
method, the attributes defined in the class body will be set properly
when the instance is initialized, but will use your method at all other
times, including in other methods, which may break your stuff.