
A Gruvbox Inspired theme for tig


A Gruxbox Inspired theme for tig

The file in this repo named tigrc can be copied into your own .tigrc file in your $HOME directory. Once there launch tig and it will read the files configs.

Locations for .tigrc

  • linux: /home/$USER/.tigrc
  • MacOS: /Users/$USER/.tigrc

One liner for anyone without a .tigrc file: Will overwrite .tigrc is it exsists already, requires wget

  • wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninjabreakbot/tig-gruvbox/main/tigrc -O ~/.tigrc

If you already have a customized ~/.tigrc file simply pull out the theme bits line:11 -to- Line:106 and add it to your config file for tig.

tig main view


tig main view/diff view


tig diff view


tig log view