Various algorithms implemented in Java, for easy use in programming contests where you are allowed to bring all printed materials.
- Min-conflicts with csp
- Longest common substring
- Binary gcd
- Point in polygon
- Closest pair problem
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Bronn Kerbosch
- Eucledian minimal span tree
- Topological sort
- Hungarian algorithm
- Graph coloring
- Floyd's cycle finding algorithm
- Stable marrage problem
- Gale Shapley
- Banker's algorithm
- Graph matching
- Hopcroft-karp
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Convex cell generation
- Common tips&tricks
- Generering av Vornoyuyuyu-diagram
- Selection (top 5 in list in O(n))
- Deterministic quick select
- Spenntre