
Flat Shade Society - Solskogen 2019 invite

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flat Shade Society

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr7ueMPRNDs

Pouët: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=81092


        --- Flat Shade Society ---

               by Ninjadev

Flat Shade Society  is  Ninjadev's invite
to Solskogen 2019.  The demo  is compiled
down to  a single  .png.html  file.  Open
this  in  your  favorite   Chromium-based

This  demo  is made  with our  in-browser
demo tool called  nin.  The tool is fully
open source along with  the demo. You can
find  it  at  http://github.com/ninjadev.

It's great  seeing  everyone  at Revision


Made by:
capitalism,   cristea,  flowie,   iverjo,
lug00ber, lulle, run, sigveseb  &  stiaje