
Good react starter boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yuri's React/Redux/Immutable/Webpack Boilerplate

Build Status Greenkeeper badge code style: prettier Packagist


git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:ninjakttty/react-boilerplate.git <project name>
cd <project name>
rm -rf .git
git init
npm install

NPM Scripts

  • start -- start in dev mode
  • dev -- same as above
  • build -- build production dist folder
  • test -- run tests
  • eject -- eject from react boilerplate

Directory Structure

|-- Routes.js
|-- index.js
|-- store.js
|-- components // components used in pages
|-- css //static css
|-- pages //top level pages go here, this is what you link routes to
|-- redux
    |-- configureStore.js // this sets up the store you probably dont need to be in here
    |-- rootReducer.js // this is where you add new stores
    |-- auth  // store directory contains actions / reducers
    |   |-- actions.js
    |   |-- constant.js
    |   |-- reducer.js
