Public source for my Game Arbitrage Bot

Primary LanguagePython

Game Arbitrage Bot

This is the public source for my reddit pricing bot.

It scours whatever subreddit specified for the following text:


When it finds that, it will search Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop for prices on GAME NAME, and generate a post listing its findings.

It is designed to help find arbitrage between the three major online game retailers.

It currently only supports those three sites (as I had to build the xpathing manually and I got bored), but in the future, I'd like to add gog, humblebundle, and steam.


!GAB "GAME NAME" searches amazon, best buy, and gamestop for prices on GAME NAME and generates a reply listing its findings.

!GAB -pm "GAME NAME" same as above, but sends a pm to the user instead of replying.


More info can be found on the wiki page here: http://www.reddit.com/r/multiplayers/wiki/game_arbitrage_bot