
AngularJS Flipsnap Directive

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A flipsnap.js directive for AngularJS.



Getting Started

Install the library (and dependencies) using bower, then include them in the HTML.

bower install angular-flipsnap --save
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/flipsnap/flipsnap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-flipsnap/angular-flipsnap.min.js"></script>

Declare the flipsnap module as a dependency of your app.

angular.module('MyApp', ['flipsnap']);

Now you can use the flipsnap directive in your templates. You must specify a unique flipsnap-id, which will be as an id attribute on the scrolling element.

<div flipsnap flipsnap-id="flipsnap" style="width:320px;margin:0 auto;">
    <div flipsnap-pane style="width: 320px;">
    <div flipsnap-pane style="width: 320px;">
    <div flipsnap-pane style="width: 320px;">


You can view a demo here.


Flipsnap Directive

Attribute Description Type
flipsnap Declares that this element is a flipsnap container. The value of this attribute will be the name of the flipsnap object on the containing scope. String
flipsnap-id The unique ID of the flipsnap scrolling pane. String
flipsnap-options An AngularJS Expression which evaluates to a map of options. See the options API. Expression

Flipsnap Options Map

Key Description Type
distance The distance to move on each scroll. If not specified this value is automatically calculated. Number
maxPoint The number of stop points. If not specified this value is automatically calculated. Number
transitionDuration The duration of each scroll transition, in milliseconds. If not specified this defaults to 350. Number
disableTouch If set to true the flipsnap will not respond to touch. If not specified this defaults to false. Boolean
disable3d If set to true the flipsnap will not use 3D transform. If not specified this defaults to false. Boolean

Flipsnap Object

The flipsnap object is given to the containing scope as a named property (see the Directive API).


canMoveNext (Boolean) (readonly) True if the flipsnap can move to the next point. canMovePrev (Boolean) (readonly) True if the flipsnap can move to the previous point. currentPoint (Number) (readonly) The current point.


Scrolls the flipsnap to the next point, if available.


transitionDuration (Number) (optional): Specifies the duration of the transition. If not specified this defaults to the value given in the directive options.


Scrolls the flipsnap to the previous point, if available.


transitionDuration (Number) (optional): Specifies the duration of the transition. If not specified this defaults to the value given in the directive options.


Scrolls the flipsnap to the specified point, if available.


point (Number) (required): Specifies the point to move to.

transitionDuration (Number) (optional): Specifies the duration of the transition. If not specified this defaults to the value given in the directive options.


Contributions are welcome as issues or pull requests.


Getting Started

npm install
grunt setup // performs the bower install - only necessary for using the demo html file
grunt test // lints the file
grunt build // builds the minified file