
A szurubooru bot which reposts uploads from your instance to Bluesky

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bluesky Post Automation Script

This script automates the process of posting content from a running Szurubooru-instance to Bluesky. It periodically fetches posts via API, formats them, and posts them to Bluesky with the relevant information.


  • Automated Posting: Automatically posts content from Szurubooru to Bluesky.
  • Content Formatting: Formats the post with URLs, comments, tags, and user information.
  • Scheduled Posting: Posts every 6 hours or skips to the next post if no valid content is found.


  • Python 3.6+
  • requests library


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ninjazan420/Szurubooru-Bluesky-Bot.git
    cd Szurubooru-Bluesky-Bot
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install requirements.txt
  3. Update Configuration:

    Open the script file bluesky_bot.py and replace the placeholders for USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Bluesky credentials. Also change the URLHERE to your actual URL, but do not change /api!


  1. Run the script:

    python bluesky_bot.py
  2. How it works:

    • The script logs into Bluesky using your credentials.
    • It starts fetching posts from your instance starting from ID 1.
    • For each valid post, it formats the content and posts it to Bluesky.
    • If a post is not found, it skips to the next ID and retries.


Post Format

Each post on Bluesky will be formatted as follows:
