FastAPI Project Template

Project template for Hacarus projects using FastAPI.


  • Python 3.9+
  • Poetry 0.12+

Running the application

poetry install
poetry run uvicorn api.main:app --reload
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Started reloader process [78703] using watchgod
INFO:     Started server process [78705]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.

To see available API documentation, go to

uvicorn is a production ready server that supports asyncio. Here are some common commands.

poetry run uvicorn api.main:app --port 5000   // To change the port
poetry run uvicorn api.main:app --reload      // Detect file changes and reload
poetry run uvicorn api.main:app --workers 2   // Change number of request workers

For additional features and technical specifications, you can visit the official FastAPI documentation.

Directory Structure

├── .env                    <- Contains your environment variables
├──               <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── api
│   ├── routes              <- Contains all the functions for each request
│   ├── schema              <- Schema list
│   |   ├──     <- Response models (used in OpenAPI)
│   |   ├──      <- Request models (used in validating request body)
│   |   └──     <- Declare any database models here
│   |
│   ├── commons             <- Common library folder.
│   |   └──        <- Utility functions
│   |
│   ├──           <- If you want to set config, do it here.
│   └──           <- All app initialization and pre-loadings
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- All pre-commit checks and scripts
└── pyproject.toml     <- A configuration file to store build system requirements for Python projects.

Application Configuration

It's easy to declare environment variables using the .env file. You can add as many environment variables as you want as long as you also add the corresponding entry in api/

For example, if you have the following environment variables


then you need to make sure to add this to the file as such

class Settings(BaseSettings):
    app_name: str = "Your project name"
    env_var1: int = 1
    operating_system: str = "Windows"
    cycles: float = 1.0

Pydantic automatically handles environment variable parsing.

  • The configuration mapping is CASE INSENSITIVE.
  • It is also required to put types so that pydantic can handle the correct conversion.
  • The default value in will be overwritten if an environment variable of same name is present.

Sample API calls

For the basic API calls and FastAPI syntax, checkout api/routes/ This contains all the basic routing patterns as well as some request and error handling.

For a more advance example of using a response and request model, check out api/routes/

Using pre-commit

Pre-commit is included in the dev dependencies. You can run the following command to install them.

poetry run pre-commit install

Some included pre-commit scripts

  • black
  • isort
  • flake8
  • pylint

If pre-commit fails to run, try running git commit inside your virtual environment