
Project Template/Boiler Plate for Flask based application

Primary LanguagePython

Flask Boilerplate

Requirements Status


A boilerplate for REST APIs implement using python flask. Ideal for doing micro services and API integrations.

Running the app

  • Runs on Python 3.4+
  • Install Python3 and pip3
  • Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Start the server python3 run.py

Project Structure

    +-- app/
    |   +-- api/
    |   |   +-- module/
    |   |   |   +-- __init__.py
    |   |   |   +-- dispatch.py
    |   |   |   +-- model.py
    |   +-- conf/
    |   |   +-- env/
    |   |   |   +-- __init__.py
    |   |   |   +-- development.py
    |   |   |   +-- staging.py
    |   |   |   +-- production.py
    |   |   +-- __init__.py
    |   |   +-- config.py
    |   |   +-- constants.py
    |   +-- lib/
    |   |   +-- __init__.py
    |   |   +-- database.py
    |   |   +-- decorators.py
    |   |   +-- error_handler.py
    |   |   +-- response.py
    |   +-- util/
    |   |   +-- __init__.py
    |   |   +-- utils.py
    |   +-- www/
    |   |   +-- assets/
    |   |   +-- pages/
    |   +-- app.py
    |   +-- __init__.py
    +-- data/
    |   +-- schema.sql
    |   +-- seed.sql
    +-- README.md
    +-- requirements.txt
    +-- run.py
    +-- setup.py

Implementing a module

    +-- module/
    |   +-- __init__.py
    |   +-- dispatch.py
    |   +-- model.py

Dispatch is where you store all the request related context. The following are handled by dispatch.py

  • reuqest handling
  • response handling
  • routing of request
  • authentication

We need to make sure that the request context does not mix with any of the app logic.


Model is the the one that handles the transactional operations.

  • Insert
  • Update
  • Get
  • Search
  • Delete


Push all the changes to your own branch before making a pull request to the master branch

New feature request

For adding new feature make sure to follow the following format for the pull request

  • Title should be feature/<feature_name>
  • Description should have the ff template
    ### Changes
        - change description
        - change description
    ### Testsing
        - List of tests done preferably with screenshots
    ### Contributor info
        - Name
        - Email
Fixing issues

For adding new feature make sure to follow the following format for the pull request

  • Title should be fix/<issue_that_needs_fixing>
  • Description should have the ff template
    ### Changes
        - change description
        - change description
    ### Testsing
        - List of tests done preferably with screenshots
    ### Contributor info
        - Name
        - Email