What you need for running app?
- NodeJS Version 14
- Docker (If you want running app in docker)
Stack technology
- ReactJS (Frontend/Client Framework)
- Typescript (JS Typechecker)
- Redux (State Management)
- Redux-thunk (Redux middleware for action creators more easy)
- Jest & enzyme (Testing)
- Tailwind (CSS Framework)
- Axios (Http Request)
- React-router-dom (Routing in React)
- (JSON dummy data)
User can view list of users -
User can view list of posts of each user -
User can view list of albums of each user -
User can view the detail of each post and its comment -
User can view list of photos from an album -
User can view the detail of photo -
User can add, edit and delete post -
User can add, edit and delete comment
Install with docker
Open Terminal, then type command:
git clone
Go to project folder :
cd social-media-dashboard
Type following command :
docker build —tag social_media_dashboard:1.0 . (Build app with Dockerfile)
docker container create --name app-dashboard -p 3000:3000 social_media_dashboard:1.0 (Create docker container after build image)
docker container start app-dashboard (Start docker container)
docker container stop app-dashboard (Stop docker container)
Open link http://localhost:3000 at your browser, if your docker container is running.
Install at local
Open Terminal, then type command:
git clone
Go to project folder :
cd social-media-dashboard
Type following command :
yarn (For install dependency)
yarn dev (For running server + client for development mode)
yarn build (For build app for production mode)
yarn start (For running app after build)