
Django-based web app for managing a talks schedule for meetups

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Podium is an application for booking and scheduling talks for meetups. This app is being maintained by Python Atlanta Jam Session members to help schedule talks for our Python Atlanta meetups.

Python Atlanta's Podium is currently running at https://pyatl-podium.herokuapp.com/


  • Python 3.6+
  • Django 1.11 - Base web framework
  • Gunicorn 19.7.1 - WSGI webserver
  • PostgreSQL - database engine (any other Django-supported DB may be used)
  • psycopg2 2.7.1 - Postgres support for Django
  • Whitenoise 3.3.0 - Serve static files from Django on Heroku
  • dj-database-url 0.4.2 - Parse database connections from 12-factor style URLs
  • python-dotenv 0.6.4 - Parse environment variables from .env files
  • django-crispy-forms 1.6.1- Adds bootstrap3 input styling to forms.
  • django-registration-redux 1.7 - User registration.

NOTE: Podium is designed to be run on Heroku but can be used on any platform supporting 12 Factor Apps.


  • Clone or download the repo.
  • Use pip to install all requirements in requirements.txt
  • Create a .env file from the example.env file at the root of the project.
  • Edit your .env file to include your own environment values for secret keys, database urls, etc.
  • Run python manage.py migrate to run all database migrations.
  • Run python manage.py createsuperuser to create an admin user login.
  • Run python manage.py runserver --noinput for a development environment, run Gunicorn directly from Procfile, or use the Django documentation to set up a WSGI-compliant webserver of your choice.

For a more detailed guide to getting the project running, please refer to the Beginner's Guide


Submit an issue or see our Contributing Guidelines for pull requests.