"PiPico Jamma", a Raspberry Pi based arcade board.
Inputs are handled using Raspbery PI Pico as keyboard emulator and keys mapped according to Mame / Advance Mame defaults.
RGB output via VGA666 interface, with resistor values tunned for better contrast on legacy arcade monitors.
Built-in slot for PAM8610 module with Volume pot. Audio can be mono via Jamma pins or stereo via external speaker connectors
Link: PiPico Jamma on PCBWay
A single game RPI4 image created with Buildroot 2022.02.1 with fully hardware accelation support and a custom optimized build of Advance Mame 3.9.
Uncompress rpi4_single_game.7z and burn it to a 512mb or bigger sdcard. Remount the card and put your game rom in the "[boot]/rom" folder. Open config.txt and uncomment the "hdmi_timings" according to your game's resolution. Unmount, plug the sdcard to your RPI4 and have fun.