status-checker is a Go command line tool to acknowledge the health of the Slack product and get information when an incident, outage or maintenance occurs
To build the tool simply run the make
command, this will generate binaries for various platforms in the bin
├── bin
│ ├── status-checker-darwin-amd64
│ ├── status-checker-darwin-arm64
│ ├── status-checker-linux-amd64
│ └── status-checker-windows-amd64
Currently the available commands are:
Usage of status:
get Slack's current health status
enable debug mode
get Slack's history health status
To query Slack's current health status, run the following command:
./bin/status-checker-darwin-arm64 -current
If there are no ongoing incidents this message should be returned:
🟢 Slack Current Health Status is Ok! 😄
To display the response as JSON add -debug-mode
./bin/status-checker-darwin-arm64 -current -debug-mode