
Scrape apartment listings from rdu craigslist

Primary LanguageRuby

Running locally

Getting started

git clone git@github.com:bwsewell/raleigh-craigslist-apartments.git
cd raleigh-craigslist-apartments
bundle install


If you have a Postgres DB running locally, you can replace the two references to ENV['HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON_URL'] with your credentials: postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name. I'm using the sequel gem, so you can actually use any relational database you want, but you may have to change some of the code.

Running the Scraper

Run the following command in the root of the project

ruby bin/scrape_listings

It might take a while locally.

Viewing the Front-end

Run the following command in the root of the project

ruby listings.rb

This will start a thin web server for Sinatra. You should be able to access the page at localhost:4567

Deploying on Heroku

You can also deploy this repo to Heroku using the button below:


This will create a new Heroku app in your account, and run a script after the build to populate the database. The only thing this doesn't do is setup the scraper job to run using Heroku's Scheduler addon. If you do want to setup the scheduler, you can create a job in the dashboard with the command:



Listing Scraper Job

The jobs that runs intermittently to scrape all listings drops the listings table at the beginning instead of trying to clean out expired listings at the end, or updating listings that already exist. I currently have this job set to run every hour, therefore I've set the Cache-Control header in Sinatra to expire each hour to reduce the possibility of a returning user seeing an incomplete representation of the active listings. It's not perfect, but it works.

Limit 2500

Looks like Craigslist limits all results for any query to the latest 2500 listings. Because of this, if you visit a page with query parameters for a particular price range, it probably doesn't match the results for that price range if you just scraped all results without any filters.

Examples: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/search/apa has 2500 results, and if you limit the price range using their url query parameters to listings between $801-$1,000 you'll also get 2500 results (usually) http://raleigh.craigslist.org/search/apa?min_price=801&max_price=1000&availabilityMode=0


Craigslist utilizes a JSON API to populate their map on a search results page:


I thought about using this instead of scraping the pages for HTML elements, but it didn't seems as reliable. It was occasionally missing listing information that was present in the regular list of results.