
Alerts the player when designated keywords are found in specified chat channels

alert frame pic chat alert pic

Using the Addon

Download it and install as a typical wow addon. Customization can be found in the interface/addons panel. Clicking on an author's name in the alert frame or printed alerts will open a whisper to that player.

Chat Commands

  • /mca opens the addon options panel
  • /mca alerts opens the alert frame
  • /mca ignore {player} adds the player to the addon's ignore list

Minimap Functionality

  • Left Click Toggles the alert frame to show/hide
  • Control + Left Click Opens the interface options panel for the addon
  • Right Click Clears stored alerts in the alert frame
  • Control Right Click Toggles the Enable setting, controls whether alerts are enabled or disabled

Creating a Basic Alert

  1. Open the addon's options

  2. In the Channels section, select a channel from the dropdown, or manually type in the name

  3. In the Keywords section, select the channel you want to add an alert to

  4. Type in the keyword that you want to be alerted for

  5. You now have a functioning alert! Further configuration can be done, the settings section below will explain each setting

Settings Walkthrough

General Section

general section pic

  • Enable - Toggles alerts on or off
  • Disable in instance - If checked, suppress alerts while inside of an instance
  • Minimap - Toggle the minimap button on or off
  • Time to wait - Controls how long to prevent duplicate messages from repeat authors from triggering a second alert (in seconds, 0 to disable the feature)

Sound Section

sound section pic

  • Enable - Whether to play a sound when alert is triggered
  • Alert Sound - The soundID (number) to play, this can be browsed on Wowhead
    • There is a GitHub issue regarding a quick-add list of sounds, similar to the channels, and I'm trying to build a list of some good sounds to use; if you have some favorite alerts sounds please comment them!

Printing Section

printing section pic

  • Enable - Whether to print alerts to the screen
  • Destination - Where should the printed alerts be displayed
  • Print Message - If you want to override the default printed message, what you enter here is used as the format
    • ${keyword}, ${author}, ${message} will be replaced with the respective fields when an alert is triggered
    • E.g. [${author}]: ${message} will output an alert of the format: [Name]: Something said to trigger an alert
  • Base Text Color - The base color of the alert text (anything that isn't a replacement)
  • Keyword Color - The color to use for the keyword, colors both ${keyword} replacements and the keyword within ${message} replacements
  • Author Color - The color to use for the author
  • Message Color - The color to use for the message that triggered the alert

Trigger Section

trigger section pic


  • Select New Channel - Quick-add list of channels you can add to be watched
  • Remove Channel - Selectable list of added channels, pick one to be removed
  • Remove Channel (Button) - Press the button after selecting a channel to remove it (along with associated keywords and filter words)
  • Add Channel - You can manually type in a channel name if you want to add something not in the quick-add list


  • Select Channel - Selectable list of added channels, pick one to add keywords too
    • MyChatAlert Globals is for keywords to watch for in every added channel
  • Add Keyword - Type in the keyword you want to be alerted for
    • Simple keyword: dm - Alerts if dm is found in a message
    • Advanced keyword: dm+west-east - Alerts if dm is found in a message that also contains west and does not contain east
  • Remove Keyword - Selectable list of added keywords, pick one to be removed
  • Remove Keyword (Button) - Press the button after selecting a keyword to remove it

Filter Section

filter section pic

Filter Words

  • Select Channel - Selectable list of added channels, pick one to add filter words to
    • MyChatAlert Globals is for words to filter from every added channel
  • Add Filter - Type in a word if you don't want to receive alerts for messages containing the word
    • E.g. guild - Don't alert for messages that contain guild, even if the message contains a keyword
  • Remove Filter - Selectable list of added filter words, pick one to be removed
  • Remove Filter (Button) - Press the button after selecting a filter word to remove it

Ignore Authors

  • Add Name - Type in the name of a player you don't want to receive alerts from
    • E.g. GuildRecruiter: Don't alert for messages sent by GuildRecruiter, even if the message contains a keyword
  • Remove Name - Selectable list of added names, pick one to be removed
  • Remove Name (Button) - Press the button after selecting a name to remove it

Missing Localization

If you want to help translate the addon to your locale, you can view what phrases are missing on Curseforge

Support the Dev

Donation info was requested, so I added it to the Curseforge project. The side panel has a button with this PayPal link, or you can also use Venmo if you prefer that