
Polls the Reddit API for the specified subreddit

Primary LanguagePython


Polls the new Reddit feed (https://www.reddit.com/r/all/new.json) and returns the most recent posts from each specified (queried) subreddit. Can use all to get all Reddit posts.


  • creds: Reddit API credentials.
  • include_query: If not None, the endpoint for this request, from queries, will be stored in this attribute of the outgoing signal.
  • polling_interval: How often reddit is polled. A new request will be made for every member of queries at the polling_interval.
  • queries: List of subreddits to poll.
  • retry_interval: When a request to reddit fails, wait this many seconds before attempting a retry.
  • retry_limit: The maximum number of retries to attempt for each request.


  • default: Any list of signals.


  • default: Creates a new signal for each Reddit post. Every field on the Post will become a signal attribute. Details about the Reddit Posts can be found here.





Output Example

The following is a sample of commonly included attributes, but note that not all will be included on every signal:

  domain: string,
  banned_by: string,
  subreddit: string,
  selftext: string,
  likes: int,
  user_reports: array,
  id: string,
  archived: boolean,
  clicked: boolean,
  author: string,
  score: int,
  approved_by: string,
  over_18: boolean,
  hidden: boolean,
  num_comments: int,
  thumbnail: string,
  subreddit_id: string,
  hide_score: boolean,
  edited: boolean,
  saved: boolean,
  name: string,
  created: datetime,
  url: string,
  title: string,
  visited: boolean,