
A Python module for communicating with the nio REST API.

Primary LanguagePython


A module for interacting with running nio instance's REST API.


(Coming Soon) Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.

pip install pynio

Don't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command line:

$ curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python

Or, you can download the source code (ZIP) for nio-python, and then run:

python setup.py install

You may need to run the above commands with sudo.

Getting Started

To get started, create an Instance and you're ready to go.

Instance configuration

The Instance needs a host, port and credentials.

from pynio import Instance

host = ""
port = 8181
creds = ('User', 'User')
instance = Instance(host, port, creds)

The Instance has default values, so the same thing could be shortened.

from pynio import Instance
instance = Instance()

Running a service

from pynio import Instance
instance = Instance()

service = instance.services.get('my_service')

print(service.status) # Started
print(service.status) # Stopped

Creating blocks

from pynio import Instance, Block
instance = Instance()

sim = Block('sim', 'Simulator')
instance.add_block(sim) # NOTE: should this be called create instead of add?
logger = Block('logger', 'LoggerBlock')

sim.config = {'interval': {'seconds': 5}} # ideally this would be: sim['interval']['seconds'] = 5
sim.save() # Raises Exception if not already added to instance.

Creating services

from pynio import Instance, Service
instance = Instance()

sim = instance.blocks.get('sim')
logger = instance.blocks.get('logger')

service = Service('new_service')
service.connect(sim, logger) # NOTE: should you have to add the blocks to the service first?
instance.add_service(service) # NOTE: should this be called create instead of add?

# now update the service
sim2 = instance.blocks.get('sim2')
service.connect(sim2, logger)
service.save() # Raises Exception if not already added to instance.