
Util for Sentry

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Provides basic sentry integration for Node and Browser based projects and includes Typescript type declarations.


Set the following environment variables in Node or the browser (via webpack):

Variable Purpose
SENTRY_ENABLED Used by default beforeSend() function if no custom beforeSend function is provided.
Set to true|1 / false|0 to enable/disable reporting errors to Sentry
SENTRY_DSN DSN as found in your Sentry settings
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT Environment identifier to use when reporting errors.
Can be overriden in browser context by providing parameter environment to initSentry() in case your environment cannot or should not be hardcoded in to the application source
SENTRY_RELEASE set to the release name to report to sentry when capturing errors. When not set, the Node implementation will use ${process.env.npm_package_name}@${process.env.npm_package_version as a default.


In your main.js

import Sentry, { initSentry } from '@madebyheyday/sentry-util/browser';

initSentry({ environment: 'production' });
// optionally provide a custom beforeSend function to filter captured errors
initSentry({ environment: 'production', beforeSend: (error: Error): Error | null => error });

// optionally use Sentry instance to allow setting extras, breadcrumbs, ...
Sentry.setExtra('userAuthenticated', false);

Anywhere you wish to capture errors

import Sentry, { captureAndLogError } from '@madebyheyday/sentry-util/browser';

// optionally use Sentry instance to allow setting extras, breadcrumbs, ...
	level: Sentry.Severity.Debug,
	message: `User logged in`

// use captureAndLogError() as an error handler for promises or try/catch blocks

try {
	throw new Error('test')
} catch (error) {


Set process.env.SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT to the desired environment specifier to use when reporting errors.

import Sentry, { initSentry, captureAndLogError } from '@madebyheyday/sentry-util/node';

// initialize sentry
// optionally provide custom options, e.g. a  beforeSend function to filter captured errors
initSentry({ beforeSend: (error: Error): Error | null => error });

// in browsers, the default global handler may be disabled where required
    integrations: [
        new Sentry.Integrations.GlobalHandlers({
            onerror: false,
            onunhandledrejection: false

// package exports Sentry instance to allow setting extras, breadcrumbs, ...
Sentry.setExtra('userAuthenticated', false);

// then use captureAndLogError() as an error handler for promises or try/catch blocks

try {
	throw new Error('test')
} catch (error) {

Package development

Local installation

After initial npm install run npx husky install once to install git hooks.

Creating a release

  • Make changes
  • Run npm run build
  • Commit changes
  • Run npm version major|minor|patch (depending on the type of change that was made)
  • Execute npm publish && git push && git push --tags