This application is part of a technical assignment for a Senior Frontend Developer in Console Connect.
This web app is built upon TypeScript, Next.js and Redux.
APIs what were used are WeatherAPI as per the assesment description, as well as Google Maps Static API for the website's background. API keys would be further obscured in a production environment.
For example, the Google API key would not be visible in the front-end, instead the background image would be fetched in the backend and then rendered in the front. In this current implementation, the image is fetched with a simple GET request.
All the mandatory requirements and features have been implemented. The extra features (search history, clear history and favorite cities) were not implemented due to time constraints, however their implementation would be relatively simple using localStorage.
The project was built with Node v22.3.0 (and npm 10.8.1). A simple npm install
followed by npm run dev
be enought to run the project on port 3000 on localhost.
For production, buiding with npm run build
and then starting the process with npm run start
with a tool like
pm2 would be favorable, besides editing relevant nginx files (or similar tools), setting up domains, SSL certs etc.