
Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a highly experimental version of tryruby
I realize putting try ruby is rails is going to be controversial.
My origional idea was to use sinatra. Maybe I will use both.

What is driving this decision is:
* the desire to move away from explictly needing to state where the ruby interpreter is
* an admission that I need to become rack based, rails is a cheap way out
* more people know rails within the ruby world then not (sorry its true)
* I need to be able to extend this eaiser, if I tried to add even 30 lessons in its current form, it would not be as fun as inside rails
* rspec-rails I understand way better than rspec some random script.

so why am I not using camping, simple, I am not sure how maintained camping is.
What about merb? I admit, I don't know merb and with rails 3.0  won't I be getting the benefits of merb anyway?

I will contact everyone who has a fork of this project to notify them of if and when I plan on making the architectual switch before hand.


In the meanwhile, ignore this branch.