
Gets (and archives) the content of a dns zone content whenever a zone notification is detected

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Whenever a bind9 zone notification is detected in the source feed, fetch zone content and archives it to disk


sudo apt-get install python3-venv build-essential libsystemd-dev pkg-config python3-dev

git clone https://github.com/nipil/bind-notify-zone-dumper.git
cd bind-notify-zone-dumper

python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt


/path/to/bind-notify-zone-dumper/{venv/bin/python3,bnzd.py} [options]


usage: bnzd.py [-h] [-j [SPEC [SPEC ...]]] [-f FILE] [-l LVL]
               [-p MS] [-k KEY] [-z N] [-s HOST] [-d DST]
               [-e M] [-c CMD] [-t SEC] [-m] [--syslog [TARGET]]

Bind9 notify zone dumper

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    -l LVL
    --log-level LVL
        default logging level (debug, info, warn, error...)
        defaults to "warn"
        if "debug", each message is prefixed with additionnal info

    --syslog [TARGET]
        logs to syslog instead of stderr
        TARGET defaults to '/dev/log' (syslog's unix socket input)
        set TARGET to host_or_ip@udp_port for a networked syslog

    --server HOST
        dns server to transfer zones from
        Default: localhost

    -s HOST
    --server HOST
        dns server to transfer zones from
        Default: localhost

    -d DST
    --destination DST
        folder where zone data are stored
        Default: zones

    -j [SPEC [SPEC ...]]
    --journald [SPEC [SPEC ...]]
        read from journald unit
        use SPEC for filtering (see examples)

    -f FILE
    --file FILE
        read from file

    -p MS
    --polling MS
        polling interval in milliseconds
        Default: 1000 ms

    -k KEY
    --key KEY
        key file to use for TSIG

    -z N
    --zone-threads N
        number of zone transfer threads
        Default: 1

    -e M
    --external-threads M
        number of threads for external post-processing
        Default: 1

    -c CMD
    --external-command CMD
        program to run after a zone has been processed
        arg1: saved zone file
        arg2: zone name
        arg3: zone serial

    -t SEC
    --external-timeout SEC
        timeout after which the external command is killed (in secs)
        Default: 10

    -m, --external-mute
        shut stdin/stdout/sterr when running external command
        if absent, command uses parent configuration


The program is fully asynchronous and non-blocking, polling inputs and queues

There are a few threads :

  • the main thread does the initialization, waits then does teardown
  • there is 1 reader thread
  • there are -z dns threads
  • there is 1 saving thread
  • there are -e post-processing threads

And some processes :

  • post-processing threads spawn a temporary process when executing command

how to run


Input defaults to stdin.

If -j is provided, get events from systemd-journald instead (see below)

If -f is provided, poll given file for modifications instead

To read from (unfiltered) systemd-journald :

./bnzd.py -j

You can filter journald entries (to lighten the load on busy servers)

  • see man systemd.journal-fields for selectors
  • see journalctl -f -o json for for samples
  • useful selectors : _SYSTEMD_UNIT, SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER, _COMM

To read from systemd-journald, filtering on unit and command :

./bnzd.py -j _SYSTEMD_UNIT=bind9.service _COMM=named

post-process command

To run a given command after every zone save, use -c :

./bnzd.py ... -c /path/to/script ARG1 ARG2 ARG3

The following arguments are provided :

  • ARG1 : destination directory (from --destination)
  • ARG2 : saved zone file path (including --destination)
  • ARG3 : zone name
  • ARG4 : saved zone serial


  • by default, the invoked script reads and outputs to the same pipes as the parent process (this script)
  • to silence sub-process output, use the -m option
  • you can safely silence the sub-process, as its return code is still logged (at level info if zero, else at level warning)

A watchdog is configured (-t) to kill process lasting too long, adapt it for longer commands.

key file

A key file is necessary when speaking to servers requiring it.

Key file format :


Only message folloing the syntax below will trigger an action :

zone example.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 193)
zone example.org/IN (signed): sending notifies (serial 323)

example setup

This is how i use it on my own production master servers :-)

First, required install system packages (see top of this document)

Then, define install paths :

export BNZD_USER=bnzd
export BNZD_DATA=/var/lib/${BNZD_USER}
export BNZD_BIN=/opt/${BNZD_USER}

Optionally, clean workspace :


If not already done, create an unpriviledged system user and allow him to read journal :

useradd --system ${BNZD_USER}
gpasswd -a bnzd systemd-journal

Then, as root, create its working space :

mkdir ${BNZD_DATA}
git -C ${BNZD_DATA} init
git -C ${BNZD_DATA} config user.name "${BNZD_USER}"
git -C ${BNZD_DATA} config user.email "${BNZD_USER}@localhost"

If you are using TSIG for zone transfer, configure it first :

export TSIG_NAME='key-name'
export TSIG_SECRET='key-secret-in-base64'
export TSIG_ALGO='key-algo'

Install TSIG key :

echo -e "${TSIG_NAME}\n${TSIG_SECRET}\n${TSIG_ALGO}" > ${BNZD_DATA}/tsig.key
chmod 600 ${BNZD_DATA}/tsig.key

Finalize permissions


Continue with software installation :

git clone https://github.com/nipil/bind-notify-zone-dumper.git ${BNZD_BIN}
python3 -m venv ${BNZD_BIN}/venv
${BNZD_BIN}/venv/bin/pip install -r ${BNZD_BIN}/requirements.txt

Install a systemd service unit (remove -k if you do not use it) :

cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/${BNZD_USER}.service

ExecStart=${BNZD_BIN}/venv/bin/python3 ${BNZD_BIN}/bnzd.py -d ${BNZD_DATA} -l info --syslog -j _SYSTEMD_UNIT=bind9.service -k ${BNZD_DATA}/tsig.key -m -c ${BNZD_BIN}/tools/git-commit-hook.sh


Note: you can use always instead of on-failure to keep it running.

Then reload systemd config to detect new unit :

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl status bnzd

Start the process :

systemctl start bnzd
systemctl status bnzd

Stop the process :

systemctl stop bnzd

If everything is ok, enable the service :

systemctl enable bnzd

Finally, restart server to ensure that it is started at startup.