You will get daily suggestions for upcoming movies and TV shows and their details in the app, such as a related trailer, images, and many more.
- Daily new movie recommendation
- Deatils of movie and TV shows.
- Images of related movies and TV shows
- Related videos
- Top movie casts.
- You can also search your movie, tv shows and about person.
The API used for all actions in the app is The movie database
- Jetpack Compose for ui
- Hilt for dependency injection.
- Retrofit for network calling.
- Coil for image loading.
- Room for local storage.
- Android-Youtube-Player for playing youtube videos.
You must have android studio installed in your system. Install Android Studio Here
Jetpack Compose
Fork the repository
Create your feature branch
git checkout -b YourBranchName
Commit your changes
git commit -m "Added some feature"
Run your code
Push your branch
git push -u origin YourBranchName
Create a new pull request
For this project gradle version 7.0.3 is used so when opening the project first time, Android studio will download gradle 7.0.3 which is around 112MB, so make sure Internet or wifi available in terms of building the app.
You can also contribute in this project by raising issues and bugs in the app.
This project is maintained by Nipun Kumar