
The project includes a custom classfier for furnitures with three classes:Table Chair Bed. The custom classifier has been trained on IBM Visual Recognition and Watson Studio on IBM Cloud. A web based application has been created using Flask Framework.

Primary LanguageHTML


I am Nipun Mehar, Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communications Engineering (2016-2020) from Indian Institute of Information Technology,Nagpur.

The project includes a custom classfier for furnitures with three classes:Table Chair Bed. The custom classifier has been trained on IBM Visual Recognition and Watson Studio on IBM Cloud. A web based application has been created using Flask Framework.

Check it out at: http://nipun-computer-vision-app.eu-gb.mybluemix.net/


Python | Open CV | IBM Cloud | IBM Visual Recognition | Watson Studio

Follow me on GitHub For more and feel free to contact me at nipunmehar10@gmail.com .