
Confirm that ipyvolume fov set actually changes fov?

DanNBullock opened this issue · 0 comments

fig.camera_fov = 1

I'm currently trying to use the streamline widget to plot some output, however I've noticed that the visualization always starts extremely far away (to the point where a user might thing there's nothing actually plotted).

I did some exploring (to the extent that I can) and it seems that the visualization is defaulting to a suspiciously arbitrary value:

catchPlot=sw.plot(display_fraction=1, width=1000, height=1000, style=style, percentile=0) VBox(children=(Figure(camera=PerspectiveCamera(fov=46.0, position=(0.0, 0.0, 2.0), quaternion=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, … interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=12.84813404083252, continuous_update=False, description='threshold', m…

This value appears to be the default FOV (as well as the other settings) as found in the ipyvolume documentation

Additionally, another ipyvolume user noted a similar behavior previously.

Is this a ipyvolume issue, a niwidget issue, or am I just using niwidgets incorrectly?