

amadeu01 opened this issue · 4 comments


I was looking at the code. And, I could not understand how you update the Mjpeg view from other thread (other than UI thread). I do not know if I got it right, but it seems that you load a bitmap from a thread that is created on MjepgView and update that bitmap on the MjpegView from other thread. But, I always listened that we could only update something on the UI by using the UI thread. So, how can I update something on the UI, like change images for one ImageView without interrupt UI and/or without having to use UI thread?

It's been a long time that I don't touch that code, but if I understand correctly your question, it could be the combination of and AndroidSchedulers.mainThread. I can suggest to have a look also at the original code, I think there is a link in the readme and use the current best practices without looking to much at rx-java.
Also another idea that I had in mind when I wrote the lib initially, was to have a multi project that might include different lib for different video streaming format, that's why I kept separate the project name from the lib name.

I think this two articles kind of response my question hahaha

Thanks for sharing, shall I close this issue?

@niqdev Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for your support 😄