- 0
NullPointerException - InputStream.mark(int)
#269 opened by farkhodkh - 1
Enabling Sound Streaming
#260 opened by hosseinkaramii - 1
Can't play smoothly on some urls
#230 opened by Jun19 - 2
- 0
Lag in a stream
#243 opened by TechHelper - 1
Library/acitvity crashes when power button is pressed
#239 opened by tiger79 - 2
- 1
How to convert output of ipcam-view to Bitmap?
#193 opened by MhmudAlpurd - 0
Facing issue on streaming with some devices
#207 opened by tejaskanani07 - 1
missing permission
#191 opened by wb1016 - 0
Record View in background
#186 opened by zaid-asif-brainx - 4
Release number not found
#179 opened by zaptoopa - 2
Fullscreen DisplayMode stretch vs scale
#163 opened by zaptoopa - 2
- 0
Callback for each frame is missing
#168 opened by hannesa2 - 1
- 1
- 1
Android 11, E/qdmetadata: paramType 2048
#129 opened by DalvanSchmitz - 9
64 bit requirement play store
#91 opened by Gonsaave - 9
- 3
Native crash in libimageproc
#95 opened by ened - 1
- 2
Build is broken
#97 opened by hannesa2 - 0
Jitpack can't build this library
#96 opened by hannesa2 - 3
' com.github.niqdev.mjpeg.MjpegInputStreamDefault.readMjpegFrame()' on a null object reference
#82 opened by weizhi9958 - 0
Facing issue when set username and password in credential property please help me
#93 opened by savan15 - 1
Hangging on .stopPlayback() method
#92 opened by jayesh83 - 2
Issue When I request to access IP again
#88 opened by rafuteru - 0
Need help
#90 opened by hamzaali6307 - 0
Camera Image overlap issue
#89 opened by anandhukalesh - 0
is it possible to add a seekbar ?
#87 opened by yeahman45 - 0
Pinch to zoom?
#85 opened by yeahman45 - 4
Crashes on Android studio v3.1.4
#76 opened by FerialMuhammad - 0
- 1
Null ObservableSource supplied
#77 opened by UmeshBaldaniya46 - 7
About mjpeg stream crash problem at VIVO 7+ phone
#70 opened by jcRuan - 6
rotate zoom recording
#71 opened by alg520 - 1
Called reconfigure on a bitmap that is in use! This may cause graphical corruption!
#73 opened by wanglinfu - 3
- 11
- 1
Manipulating URLs
#69 opened - 6
Failing after back button pressed
#64 opened by casic - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null object reference at com.github.niqdev.mjpeg.MjpegViewDefault$
#67 opened by wanglinfu - 1
- 17
- 11
- 4
- 2
Upgrade to android-studio v3
#57 opened by niqdev - 2
Pinch - zoom feature
#55 opened by AbubakerMustafa - 2
regarding ip cam url issue
#54 opened by rajlee5129