
after camera messoa 640X480 Error the Malformed \uxxxx encoding

crgg opened this issue · 11 comments

crgg commented
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.
    at java.util.Properties.loadConvert(
    at java.util.Properties.load0(
    at java.util.Properties.load(
    at CameraMJPeg.MjpegInputStreamDefault.parseContentLength(
    at CameraMJPeg.MjpegInputStreamDefault.readMjpegFrame(
    at CameraMJPeg.MjpegViewDefault$

Show the image perfect after couple sec release this error

crgg commented

private int parseContentLength(byte[] headerBytes) throws IOException, NumberFormatException {
ByteArrayInputStream headerIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(headerBytes);
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load(headerIn); // here the error
return Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(CONTENT_LENGTH));

Hi, thanks for reporting the issue, is the url public or private? Is hard to test it without a proper example.
Are you sure that the format is MJPEG? Several user in the past reported similar issue but the stream format wasn't correct

crgg commented

yes, I'm using another desktop application that only accepts MJEG and works well.
is url internal network

crgg commented

url is private working well for couple minutes

crgg commented

ONLY in this resolution working well (352x240)

Are you happy with the lower resolution? Would that make the difference on your mobile app? It looks like is a very specific edge case, not sure how can i help on this

crgg commented

Yes, this the problem must be 640x480. the lower is 352x240. camera are running in 640x480 I can change this.
yes you can help , how to I'm can change via code this resolution.

You can't change the resolution via code, usually you should be able to pass it as parameter to your url. But you need to look at the docs of your camera, for example set the url to something like

crgg commented

hi, sorry me again but this option

public class MjpegViewDefault extends AbstractMjpegView {
public void setResolution(int width, int height) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented");

Hi, can you please provide more details?