Dynamo generates an analytics javascript API based on a json file definition.
When you report "simple pixels" to GA / MixPanel / Omniture you must implement in your analytics tracker layer all the dimensions and metrics index. For example:
ga('send', 'event', 'Catalogs', 'Add', {
'dimension1': 'Product',
'metric1': 1});
Working that way is hard to keep your analytics aligned between all platforms and feature in your organization. Currently Dynamo support generation a JS API from an input json file. In the future it will also supports other languges.
Using this json file you will be able to have 1 business language for your business analytics. You can create this json file through your CMS system for example and give the ability for PM / data analyst to define the analytics that your product needs to report. Dynamo uses a middle layer called tagManagerReporter that you can later on map to your dimensions and metrics and report to the analytics vendor / tag manager you work with.
- JSON to js
- Tag manager support
- Business language over technical language
- 1 language for your business analytics across all features / platforms
Getting started
Import dynamo package:
const generate = require('@shopyourway/dynamo');
Generator Usage
Use the generator
instance to generate the js analytics API
const fs = require('fs');
const metadata = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('PATH_TO_JSON_FILE'));
const output = generate(metadata, { footerFile: footerFile, importStatements: importStatements });
fs.writeFile('PATH_TO_JS_OUTPUT_API', output);
Suppose you have the following JSON file:
"eventDefinitions": {
"actionsList": [
"Add To Catalog"
"definitions": {
"addToCatalog": {
"parameters": {
"entityType": "string"
"dimensions": {
"eventAction": "Add To Catalog",
"entityType": "{{entityType}}"
"metrics": [ "engagementMetric", "addToCatalogMetric" ],
"eventType": "event"
The output will be:
import tagManagerReporter from './tag-manager-reporter';
export var actions = {
"addToCatalog": "Add To Catalog"
var actionsValues = {
"Add To Catalog": 1
export function addToCatalog(entityType) {
const eventData = {};
eventData.eventAction = `Add To Catalog`;
eventData.entityType = `${entityType}`;
eventData.engagementMetric = `1`;
eventData.addToCatalogMetric = `1`;
With the new file you can
How to contribute
We encorage contribution via pull requests on any feature you see fit.
When submitting a pull request make sure to do the following:
- Check that new and updated code follows OhioBox existing code formatting and naming standard
- Run all unit and integration tests to ensure no existing functionality has been affected
- Write unit or integration tests to test your changes. All features and fixed bugs must have tests to verify they work Read GitHub Help for more details about creating pull requests
Running tests
To run tests, in command line simply run npm test