- 4
Method descriptions missing from Sounds Modules
#44 opened by Zorba256 - 7
AttributeError: 'FreeTypeFont' object has no attribute 'getsize' with Pillow 10
#41 opened by misolietavec - 5
- 6
ENH: JupyterLite, WebGL
#38 opened by westurner - 5
how to run an App() in a separate thread?
#32 opened by cyberic99 - 1
Multiple instances of App on the same notebook.
#35 opened by voland62 - 3
Not working in Jupyter
#36 opened by in-tension - 2
Any hint for Jupylet to work in voila?
#34 opened by Fusyong - 2
ipykernel_launcher error in vscode .ipynb cell
#33 opened by Fusyong - 0
- 0
- 6
- 4
support python 3.9
#26 opened by cyberic99 - 5 does not automatically exit / quit
#25 opened by sefgit - 5
- 4
Running as stand-alone script on Windows
#22 opened by vsavenkov - 1