
Developer Console script to unsubscribe from all Youtube channels

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

youtube channels unsubscriber

License: MIT

Unsubscribe all youtube channels subscriptions

There are 2 ways you can do this -

  • unsubscribe.js: A script that you run in your browser's Developer console

    • Go to https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels, make sure you are logged into the correct Google account
    • Review the code in unsubscribe.js, copy the contents and paste it in your browser's Developer console and press Enter
    • The script is a little buggy and you may need to run it a couple of times to unsubscribe from all channels, any improvements are welcome!
  • go run main.go: This uses the Youtube API and you'll need to generate OAuth credentials to use it

    • This option is limited to 200 channels per day, see quota usage