
Collection of my dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua


Collection/Backup of my config files I use. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or issue. Create Issue/Pull Request, happy to learn more. if you like something and want to take it for yourself.

Programs I Use/Configs for.

Terminal st, kitty
Shell mksh, dash
Editor neovim
Statusbar/Widgets eww
Compositor picom-ibhagwan
Music Spotify, mpd



You probably have most of these this is everything I've used in configs.

yay -Sy rofi playerctl mpc jq maim dash simple-mtpfs ffmpeg fuse2 wmctrl xclip pamixer bluez \
bluez-utils blueberry alsa-plugins alsa-utils alsa pulseaudio pulsemixer feh redshift mpd \
bspwm pacman-contrib --needed

Clone this repository

git clone  https://github.com/niraj998/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles

Copy configurations

  • these contains main config files, and dependent on each other, you can pick and take whatever you want from rest.
    cd .config
     [ -d "$HOME/.config/bspwm" ] &&  mv $HOME/.config/bspwm  $HOME/.config/bspwm.old
     [ -d "$HOME/.config/eww" ] && mv $HOME/.config/eww  $HOME/.config/eww.old
     [ -d "$HOME/.config/sxhkd" ] && mv $HOME/.config/sxhkd $HOME/.config/sxhkd.old
     [ -d "$HOME/.config/rofi" ] && mv $HOME/.config/rofi $HOME/.config/rofi.old
     cp -r bspwm $HOME/.config/
     cp -r eww $HOME/.config/
     cp -r rofi $HOME/.config/
     cp -r sxhkd $HOME/.config/
     cd ..

Install fonts from .font folder. (needed for Icons)

cd .fonts
cp * $HOME/.local/share/fonts || cp * ~/.fonts || sudo cp * /usr/share/fonts/
fc-cache -fv
  • Some useful scripts are in .local/bin folder
  • etc folder has X11 things to enable touchpad tapping and setting up screens (specific for my desktop)

I tried to keep comments in config files for reference and for you to modify as per your system.