
This project help to understand kotlin basic

Primary LanguageKotlin


This project help to understand kotlin basic

Kotlin is the offical language for android development developed by google.

Advantages over java

1)Null Safty(it checked nullable of objects and variable at compile time). 2)Shorter code than Java 3)It is a Functional programming language that contains Lamba fuction. 4)Coroutines similar to thread but not a thread faster then thread. 5)Semicolon is optional 6)No new keyword


1)Still many compines using java and legacy code will be avaible on java. 2)Less libaray then java but google updating day by day.



Modifiers keyword


Scope Function

let-->run,with,apply,also and it-->this


Similar to thread but not thread faster then thread does not block main thread and pass the control to other thread.