
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CodePointe is meant to fill the gap between MavensMate and Salesforce's VS Code extension pack for the metadata source file structure. It includes features such as:

  • Automatically deploy Salesforce files on save
  • Automatically zip and deploy resource bundles when a file within the bundle is saved
  • Full project compile with resource bundles included

Package and Install

Install vsce

npm install -g vsce

Navigate to the folder where CodePointe is and package the extension

cd <CodePointe Folder>
vsce package

To install the extension use the command "Extensions: Install from VSIX" inside of VS Code and then find the .vsix file and install it.

How To Use

Follow the steps to install the Salesforce Extension Pack and make sure it can deploy individual files to your org (right click a Salesforce file then click "SFDX: Deploy Source To Org"). The Salesforce Extension Pack handles setting up SFDX for your org and CodePointe simply uses these same settings.

After installing CodePointe there should be a "CodePointe: Compile Project" command which zips all resource-bundles/*.resource folders and creates their src/staticresources/*.resource files and then does a full deploy of everything in the src folder.

CodePointe watches for save events on any files with Salesforce extensions and deploys them individually.

CodePointe also watches for save events to any files within *.resource folders and will zip and deploy the resource bundle for you.

Details for any deploys can be found under VS Code output after selecting the "CodePointe" output channel.


Custom scripts can be run from specific hooks within CodePointe. The hooks include: before/after zipping bundles, before/after deploying files, and before/after a full project compile. These custom scripts should be added to a file called .codepointe.js which you will need to place in the root of your workspace. Note that your scripts should use async functions or return a promise if you want them to finish before the deploy continues. An object is passed to each function when they are called that inculdes: workspace a string with the full path to your workspace, bundles an array of resource bundles included in this deploy (bundle name and .resource extension only, no path), and sfFiles an array of paths, relative to your workspace, to salesforce files being deployed (not populated on a full project compile).

.codepointe.js should look like:

module.exports = (function () {
	async function beforeZipBundle(data) {
		// code here

	async function afterZipBundle(data) {
		// code here

	async function beforeDeployFiles(data) {
		// code here

	async function afterDeployFiles(data) {
		// code here

	async function beforeProjectCompile(data) {
		// code here

	async function afterProjectCompile(data) {
		// code here

	return {