
Anokha 2016 Public Website Submodule

Primary LanguageHTML

Anokha 2016 - Public Website Module

This repo will hold all the resources and source files of the public website.

The folder structure must remain unchanged for all the resources to be auto loaded and configured.

Directory Structure

  1. /resources/assets - Contains all the javascript, css, sass files used in the website. Any files in this folder will be automatically minified, merged and served.
  2. /resources/views - Contains the HTML source files of the website. The extension of all files in this folder should be .html. Any other extension will be ignored.
  3. routes.list - Contains information about the structure of the website and the route-file mappings

jQuery and the Anokha javascript API will be automatically served and need not be added to the assets directory.

NOTE: Do not delete/edit any .gitignore (or) .gitkeep files found in this repository.

Working with CSS
  1. Working with CSS is very simple. Just put all your CSS files inside /resources/assets/css/. (you need to include any library that you use too)
Working with SASS (SCSS Syntax)
  1. Put all your sass assets inside /resources/assets/sass/
  2. Make sure you have a file named loader.scss which imports all the required sass files. A sample loader.scss has been included inside the same folder
Working with javascript
  1. Put all the javascript libraries that needs to be loaded before your site's javascript code inside /resources/assets/js/vendor/ . (The files will be loaded in alphabetical order.)

  2. Put all the other javascript files inside /resources/assets/js/ .(The files will be loaded in alphabetical order.)

Configuring the routes.list file
  1. Every line in the routes.list file is a separate entry.
  2. The format is :

For example:

/ index.html Home
/login login.html Login to Anokha 2016
/register register.html Register for Anokha 2016

Contribution guidelines

Never push directly to this repository. Fork this repository. Make changes. Push. And then send a pull request.

Once the pull request is reviewed, accepted and merged, login to the Anokha Management Panel and Initiate the update.