
This software tool developed as a team at Imperial College. This tool can be used to solve the system of differential equations describing meteoroid entry and compute the burst altitude, burst energy and horizontal path length from the entry point. This tool can also take these outputs and a location in the UK and determine the predicted extent of airblast damage on the ground and the postcodes and population affected. The output is in the form of damage zone maps that plot the predicted risk sectors and the population affected by the simulated asteroid entry

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Asteroid Impact Simulation Tool

alt text This software tool developed by Team Ceres. This had the ability to solve the system of differential equations describing meteoroid entry and compute the burst altitude, burst energy and horizontal path length from the entry point. This tool can also take these outputs and a location in the UK and determine the predicted extent of airblast damage on the ground and the postcodes and population affected. The output is in the form of damage zone maps that plot the predicted risk sectors and the population affected by the simulated asteroid entry


To install the module and any pre-requisites for the tool to function

pip install -r requirements.txt

Downloading postcode data

To download the postcode data required for tool simulation

python download_data.py

Automated testing

To run the pytest test suite

python -m pytest armageddon

How it Works

Tool has different parts

  • The solver - that calculates burst altitude, burst energy and horizontal path length from the entry point
  • The locator - that inputs entry point and burst radii to caluclate postcodes and populations affected
  • The damage radii calculator - caclulated the risk radii for the given postcodes and entry point
  • The damage risk calculator - caclulated the risk probabilities for the given postcodes and entry point
  • The mappers - this maps all the damage risk on the postcodes, the radii of damage and the trajectory of the asteriod on the map

Example of a Usage in Python

For example usage see example.py

python example.py

Example usage from the Scenario

For the scenario analysis see scenario.py

python scenario.py


The contributors to this software tool include - Yin, Shiqi - Yao, Tianshun - NAKAMURA, Yuna - Sundararajan, Niranjana - YOU, ZHEXIN - Johnson, Eleda - Tang, Jieyi - Cheng, xiaoyuan

Version History

Version Files


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details