A JavaFX template project containing the following configurations:
- Gradle build tool, version
- Java 16
- JavaFX 16 dependencies (configured to work with Windows, Linux, MacOS)
- Empty JavaFX template program (module-info & main class configurable from build.gradle)
- JUnit 5 Unit Testing (with pretty-print test results)
- Badass JLink Plugin, version
with the following configurations:- JavaFX dependencies
- Icon paths
- App name/description
- Don't show the console when running jlink executable script
- Create core dump if jpackage executable crashes
- Clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/lucasstarsz/javafx-template
- Build the project.
$ cd javafx-template
$ ./gradlew build
If you're on Windows, run gradlew.bat
- Read through build.gradle for configuration information.
If you need a tutorial on how to use JavaFX, check out Jenkov's JavaFX Tutorials. They cover nearly 70 specific JavaFX controls and concepts, and are what I used to learn JavaFX.
If you need a tutorial on how to use Gradle, check out Baeldung's Gradle Tutorials. They're what I used to learn the basics of Gradle.