
Controlling Linux box with Google Assistant.

Primary LanguagePython

Linux + Ifttt + Email + Google Assistant = Google Control Linux Box



  • Python2
    • imaplib
    • email
  • Android Smartphone
    • Compatible with Google Assistant
  • Gmail Email Adress
  • Any Linux Device
  • Ifttt account
    • Connect Gmail
    • Connect Google Assistant
  • VIM *optional
    • Vim is necessary because of line-folding is done.

Ifttt Template

 Google Assistant
  - What do you want to say?
    - Open Firefox in Laptop
  - What do you want the Assistant to say in response?
    - Opening Firefox in Laptop
   - To address
     - You Gmail Address
   - Subject
     - {Actual Command} <-- remove '{}'
   - Body
     - *Optional

Python Configuring Template

 - Actions
  - actions["Laptop_Lock"] = ["laptop locking", "subprocess.call(['i3lock', '-c', '000000'])"]
   - actions["Laptop_Lock"] <= it is command that is passed by Ifttt Template {Actual Command}
   - "laptop locking" <= This will be printed in terminal.
   - "subprocess.call(['i3lock', '-c', '000000'])" <= it will command that will run.

Python add command / functionality

 - Actions
  *Create a new line beneath actions{}
   - actions["Testing"] = ["this is test", "subprocess.call(['touch', '/tmp/testing_file'])"]
 - Ifttt
   - Follow the ifttt template

How to Run Code.

./ifttt_email.py "email_id" "password"
  - or you can replace the variable of userName and passWord with your gmail user + password


 - Can use any OS
 - Can replace the print in terminal to speak or notification
 - Use any email
   - You have to configure that.
 - Doesn't need Google Assistant, you can control by just emailing it.

Things You Can

 - Everything that python + OS can do; even shutdown the system.
 - ^^^ Everythings.
 - Configure this in Raspberry Pi; and control any GPIO module.
       _                  _                 _          _ _____
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