Node version : >9 Steps: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ npm version: 6.0.0
To Start the Project :
- npm install
- For dev mode : npm run dev
- For production build : npm run prod. dist directory will be created.
- npm run test: test coverage of unit test cases.
Note : Typescript has been used, to created project in order to show the object oriented design of Parking Lot.
After starting the project :
- User will be asked to start the project in either of the two mode: a. Read the input from the files : enter 1 b. Read the input from the shell command.
- If user creates the parking lot again it will get merged with previously created lot.
- Ticket and payment mode details are saved separately in order to generate the reports.
- If user tries to empty the spot which is already empty, will see an error.
- If user enters the empty file name will get the error.
- If user enters the file name which doesn't contains the file will get the error.
- If user enters the 0 or not a integer value for no. of parking slots, will get the error.
- User can exit the game, by typing exit.
- User can move to main menu by typing back.
- npm install : to install the packages
- npm run dev : For starting the dev mode.
- npm run build: To create the dist directory. Converting the typescript to javacript of ES5 version.
- npm run test: Running unit test case and checking the test coverage.
- npm run prod: