
Simple example showing how to trigger a spark job with AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageShell

This is the repository for blog post at https://www.startdataengineering.com/post/trigger-emr-spark-job-from-lambda/


  1. AWS account
  2. AWS CLI installed and configured
  3. git


If this is your first time using AWS, make sure to check for presence of the EMR_EC2_DefaultRole and EMR_DefaultRole default role as shown below.

aws iam list-roles | grep 'EMR_DefaultRole\|EMR_EC2_DefaultRole'
# "RoleName": "EMR_DefaultRole",
# "RoleName": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole",

If the roles not present, create them using the following command

aws emr create-default-roles

Note In the following sections replace <you-bucket-prefix> with a bucket prefix of your choosing. For example if you choose to use a prefix of sde-sample then in the following sections use sde-sample in the place of <your-bucket-prefix>.

The setups script, s3_lambda_emr_setup.sh does the following

  1. Set up S3 buckets for storing input data, scripts and output data
  2. Create lambda function and configure it to be triggered when a file lands in the data input S3 bucket
  3. Create an EMR cluster
  4. Setup policies and roles granting sufficient access for the services
chmod 755 s3_lambda_emr_setup.sh
./s3_lambda_emr_setup.sh <your-bucket-prefix> create-spark

The EMR cluster can take up to 10 minutes to start. In the mean time we can trigger our lambda function by sending a sample data to our input bucket. This will cause lambda to add the jobs to our EMR cluster.

aws s3 cp data/review.csv s3://<you-bucket-prefix>-landing-zone/

Once the EMR cluster is ready, the steps will be run. You can check the output using the following command

aws s3 ls s3://<your-bucket-prefix>-clean-data/clean_data/


When you make changes to lambda, you can deploy them using the ./deploy_lambda.sh script.


When you are done don't forget to tear down the buckets, lambda function, EMR cluster, roles and policies. Use the tear_down.sh script as shown below.

chmod 755 ./tear_down.sh
./tear_down.sh <your-bucket-prefix>